Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives


  • Program: ANR CONTINT

  • Project acronym: CCCP Prosodie

  • Project title:

  • Duration: 2008-01-12 / 2011-31-06

  • Coordinator:

  • Other partners: Institut Télécom, UTC Compiégne, UNSA (Univ. Nice Sophia-Antipolis), Univ. de Versailles St-Quentin

  • Abstract: The goal of CCCP-Prosodie is to empirically investigate the functioning of online communities such as Wikipedia, and particular to link their activities and their use of language (as recorded in such corpora as email exchanges, for example). The TALARIS team is involved in this project for three reasons: to provide Natural language processing tools, to design an annotation scheme capable of dealing with information from both the social sciences (sociology and economics) and the humanities (psychology and ergonomics), and to provide help with inference technology.

  • See also: http://recherche.telecom-bretagne.eu/labo_communicant/cccp-prosodie/


  • Program: ANR CONTINT

  • Project acronym: PORT-MEDIA

  • Project title:

  • Duration: 2009-03-01 / 2012-03-01

  • Coordinator:

  • Other partners: ELDA, LIG/GETALP, LIA, LIUM, LORIA

  • Abstract: The PORT-MEDIA project is an ANR project that aims to collect linguistic data for multiple domains and to investigate the use of a high-level semantic representation for annotating dialogue corpora. TALARIS contributed to the high-level semantics specification for annotating the MEDIA corpus and to the development of tools for the manual annotation (e.g., ATOOL and SRL-Web Annotation) as well as to the development of the blackboard architecture for the automatic annotation of the MEDIA corpus. Additionnally, Talaris provided the automatic annotation of the whole corpus and its evaluation.

  • See also: http://www.port-media.org/doku.php?id=start


  • Program: PEPS INS2I-INSHS

  • Project acronym: SYFRAP

  • Project title: Analyse syntaxique du français parlé

  • Duration: 2011-06-01 / 2013-06-01

  • Coordinator: Claire Gardent, LORIA

  • Other partners: ATILF Nancy, LLF Paris 7

  • Abstract: SYFRA is a exploratory interdisciplinary project (PEPS INS2I-INSHS) funded by the CNRS. It gathers researchers from LORIA (Nancy), LLF (Paris 7) and from ATILF (Nancy); and aims to develop resources (annotated corpora) and tools for the syntactic analysis of spoken French.

  • See also: http://talc.loria.fr/-SYFRAP,71-.html